
Hiking in Point Reyes, California

Hiking in Point Reyes, California

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Photography above 10,000 feet in Cocuy National Park, Colombia

Photography above 10,000 feet in Cocuy National Park, Colombia

Visiting a glacier near Seward, Alaska

Visiting a glacier near Seward, Alaska

Thanks for visiting my website! I currently live in Buxton, Maine, where in addition to photography, I work in student services at Biddeford High School. Though I grew up in Massachusetts, I’ve lived all over the country and have been lucky to travel to even more spectacular places. In 2005, I earned my B.S. in photography from Ithaca College, and in 2010, a Master of Arts in teaching from Smith College. I’ve lived and taught in Arkansas, Massachusetts, Washington, DC, and again in Ithaca before moving here.

For the past ten years, with less time to print and frame my work at home, I’ve been collaborating with a company that prints photographs on wood. It’s a relatively uncommon medium, and I love seeing how they come out—check out some of the results under the “Photos on Wood” page! If you’re interested in ordering a print on wood, they come in a variety of sizes and are priced accordingly. A selection of my work can also be seen at Canterbury Hill Studio in Rockport, Massachusetts.

Follow my latest work on Instagram @davidnelsonphotography. To contact me regarding portaiture, weddings, pricing, or just with general comments, please use the CONTACT form or email davidnelsonphotography@gmail.com. Thanks again for visiting!